1. Install the plugin from Plugins > Add New by searching for Envato Elements.
( If you must use FTP to install plugins, you can download them from https://wordpress.org/plugins/envato-elements/ )
2. Once the plugin is activated, go to Elements > Installed Kits
3. Click on Upload Template Kit ZIP file to browse to your zip file and import.
4. Your Template Kit will appear here.
It is important to install the global style before inserting the template into your page. Please follow the instruction below.
Import Global Kit Styles by clicking on “Import Template”
Any templates you import via the WP Admin area will be saved in your Elementor Template library and may be accessed inside the builder, too! This makes it easy to combine templates or use available blocks to build or enhance new layouts. Before you start inserting the template, make sure that you have followed the instruction at Global Style.
1. Open the Elementor Builder, and click on the green Envato button